In this post, we will look at Docker Step-by-Step Learning. In other words, we will go one step at a time to understand the principles of Docker from the beginning.

Docker has emerged as one of the most popular technologies of this decade. With the advent of microservices architecture, containerization became popular across the industry. And Docker became the most important container technology.

Each post in this series will focus on a specific aspect of learning Docker. Also, we will look at real code examples in this journey.

With Docker Step-by-Step Learning, you will feel confident of gaining additional knowledge about Docker.

Basics of Docker

The first step in learning Docker step-by-step is to know the basic concept behind Docker. Also, it is important to understand the reason for Docker’s popularity as a containerization tool.

In Understanding the Basics of Docker, we get an introduction to Docker and its ecosystem. Also, we explore its history and finally, try to explore ways to install it on your system.

Basic Docker Commands

To work with Docker, one needs to be comfortable with Docker commands. While there are many commands that a professional Docker developer might have to use, the most common ones are usually the most important.

In this guide to Basic Docker Commands, we will look at many frequently used Docker commands. We will explore their need and understand how to use them.

In Docker CMD vs Entrypoint, we look at the difference between two fundamental Docker commands and when to use which.

Docker Containers Interactive Mode

Many times we want to run our Docker containers in interactive mode. Interactive mode allows us to enter the container and explore the file system.

In Docker Containers Interactive Mode, we look at how to run Docker containers in an interactive mode.

Creating a Basic Dockerfile

Dockerfile form the basis of deploying applications on Docker. Using a Dockerfile, a developer communicates how the application should be deployed on a container.

In Creating a Basic Dockerfile for NodeJS Application, we will look a step-by-step approach to build our own Dockerfile to run a NodeJS application.

Intro to Docker Compose

Docker Compose is the tool we use when we want to work with multiple Docker containers. In a typical application, multiple containers will be present. Each container would be running its own part of the application whether it be a database or a messaging queue or a web-server.

In Docker Compose NodeJS Application with Redis Integration, we look at how to work with multiple containers. One container will have a NodeJS Application. The second container will run a Redis server. We will then use Docker Compose to establish connection between these two servers.

Docker Compose Restart Policies

In a typical production environment, we want our applications to be always up. With Docker Compose, it becomes easy to keep our applications up as much as possible. Also, it enables us to bring our application up in case of a failure thereby enabling self-healing and recovery.

In Docker Compose Restart Policies, we look at some of the way we can use Docker Compose to restart our applications automatically in case of failure.

Multi-Stage Docker Builds

With Docker, we can have multi-stage process to build Docker containers. A typical example could be building your application and then deploying it on a server. The entire process could be handled using a single Dockerfile.

In Multi-Stage Docker Build for running React application on Nginx container, we look at the process to create a multi-stage Dockerfile.

Push Images to Docker Hub

Building an image on your Docker host is perfectly fine. However, at one point, we need to publish those images to a central registry. This is needed to share those images with other developers in your team or organization.

Docker Hub is one such registry provided by Docker itself.

In Push Images to Docker Hub, we look at how to publish images built on your local machine to the Docker hub using Docker CLI.

Docker Local Development Workflow

Usually, Docker containers are used to deploy application in production environment. However, it is often a good practice to also use Docker in development environment.

In Docker Local Development Workflow, we look at how to use Docker in your local development environment as well.

Working with Docker Volumes

Volumes are often a necessity when working with Docker containers. Also, many times a volume is necessary to make the containers lightweight and store data that should be persistent.

In Enabling Docker Volume Local Directory for a React Application, we enable Docker volumes for use with the Docker containers.

Categories: BlogDocker

Saurabh Dashora

Saurabh is a Software Architect with over 12 years of experience. He has worked on large-scale distributed systems across various domains and organizations. He is also a passionate Technical Writer and loves sharing knowledge in the community.


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